"Quick Note" is my blog series which I keep quick logs of what I have learned today and document it. So, it naturally does not reflect the best practice.
We use enum
s to represent a case of type, of which we define there will be limited set of semantic values. The size of these values should naturally be more than two because we already have a type that represents this case, which is bool
s in Rust, though, are strange beasts. As I have said, enum
s are finite, see the obvious below:
// assuming you develop a game
enum GameState {
These define the states of a game and GameState
is limited to these four keys. However, in Rust, you can also assing tuple
or struct
for these keys, see the same example in different shoes:
enum GameState {
InGameState { level_file: String },
This case is, well, interesting because that somehow finds a way to defy the principle of finite values of enum
s because not only the values of enum
s take a kind of constructor, but also the signatures of constructors might differ, which will lead to infinite amount of values. This case is obviously strange but had an advantage in the case of GameState
Now, some of you might be wondering, "How do we assign some literal values to enum
keys since it only accepts abstract types such as tuple
s and struct
I found a workaround for that. In the beginning, it feels somehow hackish but you get used to it in time. The first thing you need to know is that enum
types can also be impl
emented (intended inline code block here). At first, let's define a new case that is suitable for this exact need.
enum Emoji {
While this simple enum
is enough in definition, what we want is to get the related emoji from the selected enum
value. In the language of aliens:
// we select a value from Emoji enum
let face = Emoji::HappyFace;
// we want...
let related_emoji = face.to_string(); // ...to have a `to_string` method on every value
println("{}", related_emoji);
How do we do that? Well, as I have said, we impl
ement the to_string
enum Emoji {
impl Emoji {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
match self { // this expression returns
HappyFace => "๐".to_string(), // if HappyFace, will return this
SadFace => "๐ข".to_string() // if SadFace, will return this
This is how we assign values to enum